About Us / Sobre Nosotros

Corinne Stanley

Corinne Stanley lives in Iowa City and holds a Master’s in Spanish from the University of Iowa, where she worked for the International Writing Program (IWP), translating writers such as Chilean Alberto Fuguet and Alberto Schettini from Argentina. Stanley translated and published Silencios del bosque/ Silence from the Forest (2018) by Spanish poet Esther Bendala Pavón and has two poetry collections, They Say This Is Light(1998), and Breathe into the Knowing (2014), as well as poems in European Judaism, Comstock Review, Feminist Studies, Crooked Hearts Press Facebook page, Fractal, and House of Zolo.

Stanley worked seven years at the University of Iowa as facilitator of Staff Language and Culture Services. Previously she taught both Spanish and English Language Learning in public schools in the US and abroad, as well as at community colleges in Iowa and Illinois. While living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, Corinne facilitated a bilingual poetry workshop for the State of Guanajuato, held in the Museo de Allende. She also initiated a local bilingual journal, El Conejo en la Luna, during her stay in San Miguel.

Her memoir, La Tercera Luz: A Poetic Journey through Spain, is forthcoming from Conejo en la Luna Press. Stanley is a collage artist and her work is featured in Bilingualborderless.

email: cjstanley22@gmail.com

Marjha Paulino

Marjha Paulino’s first poetry collection, Adopté un sol en la tierra,( I Adopted a Sun in the Land), was published by the editorial press El Principio del Caos, located in Leon, Gto. Her work also appears in a collection titled Las Avenidas del Cielo (2018), a collaborative publication between the University of Aguascalientes and the University of Guanajuato, in the San Diego Poetry Annual Fractal 2020-2021, and in the collection Dossier de Poesía by the literary magazine Granuja. In 2020 she won the Programa de Estímulos a la Creación y Desarrollo Artísticos of Guanajuato (Program for Artistic Creation and Development) in the poetry category.

Marjha Paulino originates from San Juan Bautista, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, and currently resides in the city of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Paulino’s latest work CUENCA was published in 2021 by the Instituto Cultural de Leon. Presently, Her personal blog, Lineas del sol, can be found at lineasdelsol.blogspot.com, and features translations of English language poets.

email: marjha.paulino@gmail.com

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